Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Near summers end...

It's hard to believe summer is almost over already. Wasn't it June just yesterday?! This fall we deal with four kids in four different schools ranging from college (OSU- go Beavs!!) to primary school. Dear God don't let me lose my datebook! This will be a true test of my organizational skills and my sanity.

But, seriously. Its been a great summer, well, not great, but nice...Although driving back home for a visit with grama turned into a drive to Saskatchewan for her funeral. That was the "not so great" part. But, seeing my glass half full, rather than half empty; we capitalized on the opportunity to see and talk to family members that we would not have otherwise seen during our trip and that was a real gift.

We've also been lucky to have Bastien here. A wonderful young man who is a childhood friend of Lindzay's from France. He is will us till the end of August. I hoped to use his visit as an excuse to improve my french, but go figure...he and Lindzay have better things to do than sit around with mom speaking French all day! Alors!

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