Today marks a milestone in my daughter's life...she's off to college. Time to live on her own (just far enough to feel like she's independent, but close enough for mom to come help if its needed), start making her own decisions and running her own life!! I struggle with emotions today, but not with the emotion of sadness so much as the emotions of happiness and pride for her. SHE did this!! SHE worked her butt off for 18 yrs to make it to where she is today and I can't be prouder of her and that accomplishment. My daughter is a superstar! She is smart, she is talented, she is strong and capable and has a drive to succeed that will take her places and change the people she meets and those she calls "friends". I'm excited about where her education will take her--I'm excited about all the opportunities available to her at OSU (I wanna go too!!! The fitness center ROCKS!) and I am thrilled for this step to adulthood for her.
Deza, Tici and I drove her to OSU and my daughter picked the 6th floor in the dorm for her room!! The 6th and highest floor! We carted most of the things up those 6 flights of stairs and My God! running down those stairs felt like a fair ride. We were almost nauseous from being so dizzy when we finally reached the bottom...OK, I really WAS nauseous.
All the rooms were papered with the kids' names and a sheet for them to fill out giving a bit of information about each of them. We passes several kids arranging their rooms in various ways, but we arrived a bit late to get any loft kits. The kits allow you to disassemble your bed and raise it up so you can either slide your roommate's bed underneath it or slide your desk under so you have more room. Lindzay will go in the am and get one to re-arrange her bed.
Tici is trying to jump up on the bed...she can't quite make it cause its too high.
View out the bedroom window...
First load of stuff is in...Where are we going to put it all???
The armour holds a surprising amount of stuff! Good thing cause she brought a lot!!
Here is a parting picture of Lindzay in front of the McNary Hall. She is going to LOVE it here!!
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