I've been searching for awhile for another tattoo design and I found it the day I went to watch V get hers. The picture I saw was of a crying fairy who looked very much like a little girl. She was sitting with her bowed head resting on her arms holding a long sword. This image appealed to me on many levels, but I needed to change it to something older, more 'weathered' and a bit more tragic. I wanted her sitting on something...a toadstool or a leaf...I choose the autumn leaf...its aged, browning and its edges curling under, but still enough life in it to be green near the veins. I didn't want the butterfly perfect wings like on the original design...I wanted whispy, torn imperfect wings....symbolizing my whipsy, torn, tattered self, but with enough strength to weld the sword and enough softness and heart left in me to still feel regret...to still cry. I think she captured just what I wanted...
The outlining is done. She looks very beautiful just like this, but the color will enhance it and make it beautiful.
Initial shading is complete. The pain with the shading is warm and intense at times what with all the nerves being pinned with the needles at one time...but easy to tolerate and even enjoy...but after 2 hours I was ready to be finished!!
The color of the leaf is going to be very subtle. Its quite pronounced right now, but my lily white skin gets very red and the brown was put on quite thick since brown tends to be an ink that fades quickly. She chose an olive green tinge rather than a leaf green to go with the aged look.
And...she done. My leg is very red and it makes the pinky-purple wings look VERY red! This will calm down in 3-4 weeks and I will go back in for the silvery white touch up and the blood red drips on the sword. She colored her hair brownish-blond...like mine! Its an artistic impression of the trials in my life and how I've overcome many of them.....and I just love her!!
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