I have a very good friend who's been ill lately. I mean really sick. Sick to the point of not being able to get out of bed. Funny how illness can be a gift. Because of this severe illness, he was forced to go to the Dr. He rarely goes to the Dr. They saw how sick he was and ordered lab tests. The results were not good. Besides a white blood cell count that was off the charts, his cholesterol is in the high 200s. Really not good. He is 43 yrs old and at risk of sudden death because of changes in his body that he cannot see. When the Dr. spelled out those risks, he had a true wake up call.
Later he talked to his mom. He has a family history of high cholesterol and heart disease and his grandfather died from heart disease. He is not overweight, does exercise, but needs dietary modification. I think he need medication.
I decided I'd stop in to see him last night, with the news heavy on my mind, and the antibiotics restoring him more to his old self. What if he suddenly wasn't here? How would that loss impact me? My kids? His family? We'd had our share of ups and downs, but when you got right to the heart of the questions-do you care about him, would you miss him if the worst happened, do the petty disagreements and behavioral insecurities really mean more than caring for another human being who just wants to love and be loved--I was a bit shaken to realize that Yes, I do really care for him. I would miss him if he was taken suddenly. Petty disagreements and insecurities are things that can be forgiven when you work at compromise and not taking things like yourself, so seriously.
So, we had a very nice time. We talked. He was caring and affectionate, just like always. Overlooked my protective emotional distance, just like always. Talked about his job, his lifestyle changes he must make. About wanting to go skiing this winter and missing company for the holidays...I told him take one thing at a time...missing him a bit is good.
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