My friend, Lisabeth is a great cook. In the past we have shared more meals together than I can count and one dish always got rave reviews and requests for second helpings by the most picky eaters. That is her Saffron Rice. Its very easy to make and goes with anything from baked chicken to spicey Thai.
Start off with 2 tbsps butter, melt in pot. Add 1/2 cup chopped onion and saute slowly till translucent. Add pinch of salt to onions to bring out the flavor. Grab a generous pinch of good quality saffron (all red stems, no yellow!) and crumble into the onion mixture. Next add 2 cups chicken stock/broth, 1 cup of white or jasmine rice and bring to a boil. Cover, turn down heat and cook 20-25 mins till all moisture is absorbed into rice. Remove from heat. Let stand for 5 mins. Fluff with fork and serve.
*have gotten a tip that covering saffron with hot water (small amt--about 1/4) releases more flavor and use both the saffron and the water in the recipe.
Lisabeth says this works for white and jasmine rice, but she's never tried brown rice. It usually takes a bit more moisture but I'm sure it would work. Try it and let me know!

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