Sometimes we have realizations that glow thru the fog in our minds. A crack of light...of understand and appreciation. I am thankful for those. It helps me to refocus, to bring back what is truly important and worth while. Then I can let go of whatever I've been carrying and breath again...
I can feel the positivity rolling in, the happiness and hope coming back...Even if the clouds are grey and its pouring rain, I can have sunshine inside...especially when I see the smile on my child's face and hear the laughter fill my house. I can see and appreciate the beauty and the joy in those drops of rain, in the feel of the wind against my cheek cause I'm alive and because I can...
I can marvel at the colors and sounds of nature. They hold wonder and promise and when I hike to the top of the hill I can give thanks for being able to do and see these things. We see so little these days, are so busy with life and trudging thru each and every day! We are missing what is most important--the miracle and joy that is this earth, that is creation. As tiny as the toadstool on the path in the forest and as vast as the great Pacific Ocean...
I want to see all of it, hear it, smell it and taste it. I want my children to feel in awe of the people and the beauty we have appreciate it and treasure it always. That is what I want to leave them with...